
Photography Evaluation

Photography clubs have a problem, in that they ask judges to travel long distances to come to their meetings, and evaluate their competitions. This is inefficient, because the judge has to drive a distance, in their own time, motor car use and petrol etc. That means that the judge has to incur petrol and car expenses and maybe overnight accommodation expenses also. Otherwise the judge has to take an airplane, if the distance is great. That creates unwanted travel expense, carbon emissions, and time waste. Clubs sometimes reimburse the judge for petrol and travel expenses, but that does not recognise the real value of the contribution of the judge. What would be much more efficient would be a system wherein a judge could remotely judge a photography competition, and appear in the Club meeting by a virtual presence. The judge could be anywhere in the world. If a web site could be developed that facilitated this, and the web site be then shared using Webinar software, that would circumvent this problem.

There are numerous Webinar platforms. The ‘Zoom’ platform is well known. Zoom is well established and is noted for reliability, relative economy, and a very professional interface. Constantine Software strongly recommends the ‘Zoom’ platform. There is no commercial association between the two.